Friday, February 8, 2013


14th CITU State Conference

CITU’s 14th Delhi state conference, held in Comrade M. K. Pandhe Nagar at Comrade Dipankar Mukherjee Hall (Dilshad Colony Community Hall) in East Delhi on 6-7 February, was attended by 161 delegates representing the workers of different sectors of industries and services in Delhi, Ghaziabad and Noida.

Inaugurating the conference, CITU’s general secretary Tapan Sen stressed on intensive campaign among workers and other sections of the people exposing the anti-people character of UPA-II government, which is allowing unhindered loot and plunder of natural resources and public exchequer by the domestic and foreign corporates and big business. This is leading to and legitimizing corruption everywhere with active support of those in the governance, promoting horrendous crimes, violence against women and degenerations in the society. On the other side miseries are being inflicted on common people through continuing price rise, drastic cut in subsidies, privatization of public services, aggravating unemployment, attack on trade union and democratic rights.

Crucial task before the working class is to go for united countrywide action against the present day policy regime including immediate task to carry campaign for countrywide two days strike on 20-21 February. Working class movement of the capital city has to take up this task most seriously and CITU has to be in the frontline of this battle, he said.

Commending Delhi state committee for increasing membership above 66%, Tapan Sen drew attention to not much increase among industrial workers which calls for serious introspection about work in industrial sector, functioning of concerned district committees and the unions for taking concrete steps for improvement so as to increase CITU’s capacity to rally lakhs of industrial workers in strikes and agitation and converting them as members and in organization. In respect of work in the unorganized sector, the intervention of the state committee in the construction sector was commendable while there is need for more organized effort in construction, rehri-patri, brick-kiln etc and new initiative in private transport sector.

Chairperson of the reception committee Maimuna Mollah welcomed the delegates. General secretary of All India Federation of Anganwadi Workers and Helpers A. R. Sindhu, representatives from AIDWA, SFI and DYFI also addressed the conference.

With opening comments by state general secretary Mohan Lal; the report, presented by K. M. Tiwari, elaborated on movemental and organisational initiatives and struggles in Delhi, Ghaziabad and Noida facing onslaughts of the employers and governments and steps taken for improvement in membership, organization and its functioning. In a self critical manner, the report evaluated successes, shortcomings and in implementing collective decisions at various levels of the organization; and on steps to be taken for overcoming the shortcomings and difficulties.
39 comrades took part in deliberation on the general secretary’s report and made important suggestions. After M. L. Malkotia replied, the report was adopted unanimously. The conference adopted resolutions on food security, on the problems of working women in Delhi and in support of the struggle programmes of the central trade unions.
The Conference unanimously elected a 43 members state sommittee and 12 members secretariat with Mohan Lal as President, M. L. Malkotia as general secretary and Laxminarayan as treasurer.

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