Tuesday, November 2, 2010


In countries across the world, the Working Class continues its protest against the onslaught launched by the ruling classes in the name of the Global economic crisis, reaching new heights of struggle during September- October 2010. On 7th September when working class in India rose in unison to register a massive protest involving more than 100 million workers, there were many protests, demonstrations and mobilization on the same day in countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Vietnam, South Africa, Greece, Spain, Portugal, France UK and many other parts in the world. This has reached a crescendo in France this month in October with series of general strikes and massive demonstrations against pension reforms. Similarly, Greece has witnessed so far not less than six general strikes against Pension and Labour law reforms.

Significantly, such worldwide struggle of working class against attack on their rights is taking place on the eve of 93rd anniversary of the Great October Revolution. It is being realized that the present system is inherently unable to eradicate unemployment, poverty and hunger. The working class is yearning for a systemic change from the present – a better alternative.

And this alternative was provided by the Great October Revolution in Russia and the emancipation of crores of workers from the clutches of private capital. Within a short period of ushering in socialism, Soviet Union, was transformed into a scientifically advanced country which sent the first astronaut into space, the first woman to space. Economically, the Soviet Union competed with the US, the richest country in the world and posed a serious challenge to imperialist hegemony. Unemployment and illiteracy were completely eradicated and the state ensured health care to all its citizens.

The Great October Revolution retains the same significance today, as it had on 7th November, 93 years ago. It has unveiled before the world the socialist system, which puts people before profits, as an alternative to the capitalist system where profit is the driving force, where profits have to be protected, increased at any cost.

When we fight against price rise and demand food security, when we fight against unemployment and demand job security, when we fight against labour law violations and demand decent work, when we fight against disinvestment and for a self reliant economy and for social security for all workers, our fight is aimed for alternative policies. The working class needs to become aware of the need to change society to achieve truly alternative policies.

That is the call of the day. The ongoing struggle of the working class has to be sustained - a struggle not only for their economic demands, but for a systemic change to end the present exploitative system.

Source: www.citucentre.org

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